Our Vision

Every entrepreneur needs a good story, here is mine.

My name is Tevan Ramer, and I am the owner of Infinite Structural Solutions Co.

I started my career as a young tradesman working as a carpenter, and later transitioned into structural steel where I was operating as a crew foreman for several years. I then went on to start my own renovation company, where my journey ultimately led me to a superintendent position building high-end custom homes in the metro Atlanta area.

During my experience, I’ve noticed a general lack of comprehensiveness in the structural game; particularly in the steel trades. Likely due to the fact that a thorough architectural understanding isn’t typically perceived as a fundamental skillset deemed necessary for a steel company to operate. Most of the time, it’s left up to a general contractor to coordinate separate framing and steel crews that have specialties focused solely on their own scope of work. Which often coincides with little awareness of the other elements, or even what the main objective actually is. This can easily be the catalyst for multiple challenges, and can evoke vulnerability to costly mistakes in it’s wake.

At Infinite Structural, our goal is to close the gap between exclusivity and versatility. And in doing so, simplifying the structural process in it’s entirety, by combining multiple elements in order to provide a turn-key option for all things structural.